





2022 ESN Neurochemistry Initiative Funding | Call for applications

2022 ESN Neurochemistry Initiative Funding | Call for applications


1. Every year European Society for Neurochemistry provides support towards organisation of a neurochemistry-related event (international conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings) within Europe. That is dedicated to promote neurochemistry as a discipline in Europe and to make ESN more visible among scientists. An amount of up to 5,000 Euro per application can be granted to support an appropriate initiative.

2. Applicants, who have to be active ESN members, should send the completed application form to the ESN Secretary by electronic mail ( before the announced deadline.

3. The deadline for receiving applications for 2022 is August 1st, 2022.

4. The ESN Council will decide on the applications and the ESN Treasurer will communicate the decision to the applicant(s) in September 2022.

5. By accepting the support, applicants are obliged to clearly indicate the sponsorship of the ESN (with logo) in all adverts and announcements of the activity, both in hard copy and in the website, as well as in the Book of Abstracts. A copy of the Book of Abstracts or a link to the electronic version of it should be sent to the ESN Secretary after the activity has taken place, together with a short description of how the ESN support has been used.

6. ESN Council members are not entitled to apply for this ESN financial support.

7. Applications for personal travel grants for scientific events will not be considered.

8. Application forms are available at the ESN website

Deadline for applications – August 1st, 2022